In The News

A Letter from Lori Moen, 2019 AEE President

If I had a quarter for every time my mother said, “the only constant is change,” I would be an extremely rich woman.  While I may not have been listening then, now 15 years after her death, I find myself quoting her almost daily.  Although change is constant, it certainly feels that the swiftness and intensity of change today is much more impactful than it was 15 years ago. 

Every time I look at my phone, email, or the internet, I’m doused with information about some major event impacting the world around me.  It can be overwhelming, and it can be difficult for many people.  But, if you’ve been working in or around the energy industry for the last 15 years, change can also be really, I mean REALLY, exciting.  Taking a step back to look forward, I’d like to point out some changes that I am really jazzed about.

First of all, we made it!  That is, it stuck!  Energy management is now SEXY (just ask Tesla!)  No longer are we having to beg for approvals and budget.  We no longer have to bear the nickname “Energy Bozos” for helping customers use less of our product.  Energy Managers are no longer the Lone Rangers fighting for efficiency and conservation.  The number of companies, governments, and organizations adopting goals and hiring professionals is astounding.  In 2017, nearly half of all Fortune 500 companies had set targets for reducing GHG emissions, increasing renewable energy production, or decreasing energy usage. [1]  Change.

The number of support organizations and the availability of resources has also exploded.  I keep a folder in my Outlook archives for industry-specific groups that support EE in one way or another.  I just counted the number of subfolders in this archive and there are 118 different agencies!  Email newsletters arrive on a regular basis communicating current events, policy updates, new technologies, case studies, training and job opportunities and scores of upcoming events.  Many of these agencies are US based, but many are also actively engaging professionals across the globe.  For contrast, in 1990 when looking for a job, I turned to the phone book and made cold calls to the few companies listed under “Energy”.  Change.

We also have sustained fusion!  I don’t mean the nuclear-particle kind that creates energy, rather that technology has fused with energy management and is essentially a sustained reaction.  With everything becoming SMART, this combination may be equally as powerful (pun intended) as nuclear fusion.  We have smart homes, with smart appliances.  We have smart meters on those smart buildings, which allow for a smart grid.  Everything can be connected and dynamic.  The opportunities to re-engineer power production and consumption are endless.  Change

Energy management encompasses more than the building, central plant or industrial process; it is now full integration of diverse components and systems with endless potential symbiotic relationships.  Our trusty energy-audit toolkit will need more than a smoke puffer and amp meter.  A modern, effective toolkit needs complex models and new strategies managed by an operator with expansive knowledge.  We need sophisticated simulations with AI to track, evaluate and transact production, storage, and end-use operations.  We need tactics to decarbonize and evaluate beneficial electrification.  We need the skills to effectively integrate DSM and DER protocols.  And so much more… Change.

Last, and certainly not least, I’m excited to share major transformations underway at AEE that will allow us to develop along-side our industry.


You may have already noticed that AEE has rebranded our US conference and trade shows. 

  • Globalcon is now AEE EAST

  • Energy Management Congress is now AEE WEST

  • World Energy Engineering Congress is now AEE WORLD

New event titles clearly identify AEE as the producer of the events and demonstrate the reach and emphasis of each. 


The AEE board is working closely with Executive Director, Bill Kent, to establish the framework for a strategic plan that focuses on the expectations that members have shared with us:

  • Enhancing and solidifying the value of your AEE membership,
  • Connecting our members globally, while meeting their needs locally,
  • Addressing the urgent global environmental and energy needs with certified and qualified professionals.

To further develop these areas, the board is establishing new standing committees to research and advise on four topical areas: governance, membership, certification and globalization.


AEE is providing every member with more benefits, including:

  • greatly reduced event registration prices
  • free monthly webinars from industry experts
  • online access to conference proceedings and videos

AEE is revamping all its training seminars with new materials and instructor resources.

I recognize that as our industry changes, AEE needs to embrace this change, understand the impacts to our members and respond accordingly.  That idea has been the impetus behind shifts in our perspective and the service we offer to members.  I’m dedicated to leading initiatives that differentiate your professional skills and your value to potential employers or clients.

My goal is to provide broader access for all our members to build the breadth of skills and knowledge needed to excel.  AEE exists as a professional organization to support members like you, and your 2019 AEE Board is working to provide ways for members to have a voice in our continued transformation.  So, stay tuned for more change…

A quick google search gives me a list of 56 songs about change; it is certainly a popular topic.  As a true David Bowie fan, however, I admit that my favorite song about change is not Bowie’s “Changes”, but rather Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”.  In closing, I leave you with these lyrics:

If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change

Written by Glen Ballard & Siedah Garrett. Vocals by Michael Jackson

Thank You,
Lori Moen
2019 AEE President

[1]WWF (World Wildlife Fund), Ceres, Calvert, and CDP, Power Forward 3.0: How the Largest US Companies Are Capturing Business Value While Addressing Climate Change (Washington, DC: WWF, 2017).