Who are Certified Renewable Energy Professionals?

  • Are you an energy professional, with technical, management and communication skills, to lead, plan, coordinate and manage the installation or upgrade of power generation systems to include renewable energy generation technologies?
  • Are you an energy manager responsible for a building or facility’s energy use, that operates a renewable energy production or energy storage system, or is looking to upgrade an existing system?
  • Are you a consultant who assesses existing systems, then specifies, and financially justifies renewable energy projects for your clients?

What Does an REP Do?

A Renewable Energy Professional (REP™) is an energy professional that has chosen to focus on renewable energy generation, production, and storage, plus the strategies and programs that support sustainable energy technologies. These professionals use their specialized knowledge to assist corporations or organizations in setting goals for sustainability through renewable energy projects. They select the most appropriate and viable renewable energy technologies and assist in maximizing the benefits when deploying these systems at small or large scales. 

Body of Knowledge

  • Renewable Energy and Environmental Impacts
  • Solar Energy
  • Wind Energy
  • Hydropower
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Biomass Energy
  • Waste-to-Energy Systems
  • Hydrogen Applications
  • Energy Storage
  • Alternative Energy Strategies for Buildings
  • Transportation Systems
  • Financing and Incentives for Alternative Energy
  • Renewable Energy Application for Micro-grids


Sub-Saharan Africa

South Africa
The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) has granted Engineering Council of South Africa (ESCA) Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits for persons taking AEE's international CEM, CEA, CMVP, CWEP, and REP programs.

Connect With REP

Find a REP in the Certified Professionals Directory, or see what they’re saying by visiting your local AEE Chapter or joining a LinkedIn group. Energy professionals continuously tell us that they stay ahead in the industry by getting involved in the community.

Already Certified?

Maintain Your Certification

An AEE certification can help define your status as an energy professional and help progress your career. Once complete, make sure you maintain your account and keep track of your certification requirements for renewal.