The new Body of Knowledge (BoK) for the CEM certification is now available and reflects the updated essential knowledge and competencies for energy managers. The CEM BoK will come into effect for the CEM examination administration starting May 1, 2024.

Who are Certified Energy Managers?

  • Are you an energy manager looking to validate your experience and knowledge?
  • Are you a consultant that specializes in improving the energy efficiency of buildings and building systems?
  • Are you a building owner or manager looking to understand how energy savings can finance your next project?
  • Are you involved in developing energy efficiency projects, strategies or sustainability programs for your organization or your clients?

What Does a CEM Do?

A Certified Energy Manager is an individual who optimizes the energy performance of a facility, building, or industrial plant. The CEM is a systems integrator for electrical, mechanical, process, and building infrastructure, analyzing the optimum solutions to reduce energy consumption in a cost-effective approach. CEM’s are often team leaders and help to develop and implement their organizations’ energy management strategies. CEM’s have gained increased recognition within the energy industry and by companies looking to strengthen their competitive position by having responsible energy strategies and sustainable operational practices.

Body of Knowledge

  • Energy and Sustainability Policies, Codes and Standards
  • Energy Rates, Tariffs and Supply Options
  • Energy Audits and Instrumentation
  • Energy Accounting and Economics
  • Electrical Power Systems and Motors
  • Lighting Systems
  • HVAC Systems and Building Envelope
  • Building Automation, Controls and Artificial Intelligence Systems
  • Energy Storage Systems
  • Boiler and Steam Systems
  • Distributed Generation & Renewable Energy Systems
  • Industrial Systems
  • Operations, Maintenance and Commissioning
  • Energy Savings Performance Contracting and Measurement & Verification

Recognized and Accredited Worldwide

Since 1981, over 40,000 professionals from over 100 countries have participated in AEE’s CEM program.

United States


City of Edmonton, Alberta
CEM recognized by the City of Edmonton, Alberta is an acceptable credential for complying with the Building Energy Benchmarking Program.

Government of Alberta
The Quantification Protocol for Energy Efficiency in Commercial and Institutional Buildings requires the Protocol to be applied either by a CEM or a CMVP.

Province of Ontario
Under the Ontario Regulation 506/18: Reporting of Energy Consumption and Water Use, an owner who is required to undertake verification under this section shall ensure that the information required to be reported in respect of the prescribed property is verified by a person who holds an accreditation or certification from an accrediting body recognized in Canada or the United States that qualifies the person to perform data verification with respect to the information required to be reported under this Regulation. This includes AEE's CEM, CBCP and CMVP certifications.

The CEM is one of the qualifications required to perform audits under the Audit Funding program and also one of the qualifications required for the funding of hiring an Energy Manager, under the Industrial Accelerator Program.

BC Hydro
CEM is the first recommended certification to be qualified as an Energy Manager under the Power Smart Energy Manager Program. CEM is one of the mandatory further education requirements to be met to become an energy manager under the Community Energy Manager.

The CEM is one of the required qualifications to be considered as part of the Energy Specialist Program. All PowerSense technical advisors for large commercial and industrial customers have the CEM designation.

Pacific Rim

Energy management is included in many energy efficiency and sustainability policies at the local level. Tell us about your local requirements. Ask us how we can help you work with your local governments, NGOs, businesses to obtain CEM recognition. Contact Us here.


Energy management is included in many energy efficiency and sustainability policies at the local level. Tell us about your local requirements. Ask us how we can help you work with your local governments, NGOs, businesses to obtain CEM recognition. Contact Us here.

Eastern & Central Europe

CEM is one qualification an engineer must have in order to register at the Registry of Energy Engineers

Western Europe

CEM recognized by the Irish government as meeting the industry qualification requirements of the Irish regulation SI426, to implement Article 8 (4-6) of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU).

The Association of Energy Engineers CEM and CEA certification programs in Spain are accredited by Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC) based on the international standard UNE-IN/ISO/IEC 17024.  ENAC is the agency appointed by the government to operate in Spain as the only National Accreditation Body, pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 765/2008 that regulates the functioning of accreditation in Europe.

United Kingdom
The UK Environment Agency approved the Certified Energy Manager International (CEMI) and Certified Energy Auditor International (CEAI) certifications as meeting the requirements of the UK Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) to implement Article 8 (4-6) of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU).

Former Soviet Union

Energy management is included in many energy efficiency and sustainability policies at the local level. Tell us about your local requirements. Ask us how we can help you work with your local governments, NGOs, businesses to obtain CEM recognition. Contact Us here.

Middle East


For an ESCO to be approved by ICU (Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria) in Lebanon, one or more of its full-time staff should hold the following certifications among them:

  • Certified Energy Manager (CEM) or a Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) and
  • Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP) and
  • Performance Contracting and Funding Professional (PCF)

An ESCO will have its approval withdrawn or suspended if it doesn’t maintain the above per-qualification requirements

Saudi Arabia
CEM is one certifications now required for the licensing of energy efficiency companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the regulation of the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC)

United Arab Emirates 
The RSB (Government of Dubai, RSB for Electricity & Water), Effective 2 September 2015, new applicants for Provisional Accreditation will require a CMVP in addition to either a CEM or CEA

Sub-Saharan Africa

South Africa
The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) has granted Engineering Council of South Africa (ESCA) Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits for persons taking AEE's international CEM, CEA, CMVP, CWEP, and REP programs.

The Energy Regulatory Commission in Kenya, under The Energy Act of 2012, has recognized AEE’s Certified Energy Manager (CEM) under Schedule 5 (on page 10) as a requirement to obtaining an Energy Auditor License in Kenya.

Latin America


According to the Normative Resolution of the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL No. 920, of February 23, 2021, which approves the Procedures of the Energy Efficiency Program - PROPEE and regulates investments in energy efficiency to be carried out by electric energy concessionaires in Brazil, in its Module 8 - Measurement and Verification of Results (determines the procedures for a reliable evaluation of the energy benefits obtained with the projects) establishes the obligation to have a Measurement & Verification Plan in energy efficiency projects. Thus, the various electricity concessionaires existing in Brazil, when executing their programs, use the so-called Public Calls to capture energy efficiency projects with society, obligatorily requiring the Certification in Measurement and Verification (CMVP) in addition to scoring better a project when the professional has relevant certifications, such as the CEM - Certified Energy Manager.

Other Latin American Countries

Energy management is included in many energy efficiency and sustainability policies at the local level. Tell us about your local requirements. Ask us how we can help you work with your local governments, NGOs, businesses to obtain CEM recognition. Contact Us here.

Connect With CEM

Find a CEM in the Certified Professionals Directory, or see what they’re saying by visiting your local AEE Chapter or joining a LinkedIn group. Energy professionals continuously tell us that they stay ahead in the industry by getting involved in the community.

Future Prospects

Certified Energy Managers are employed in commercial, government and industrial sectors in job categories, such as Energy Engineering, Building Management, Facility Management, Utility Accounting, Energy Service Performance, Energy Efficiency Consulting, Project Engineering and Resource Efficiency. (REMs)

Understand What it Takes

Do you want to learn what it means to be a CEM? Attend an AEE energy conference and you'll network with existing CEMs and other energy professionals.  You can also get involved in the industry and earn AEE Credits, Continuing Education Units (CEU), and Professional Development Hours (PDH).

Already Certified?

Maintain Your Certification

An AEE certification can help define your status as an energy professional and help progress your career. Once complete, make sure you maintain your account and keep track of your certification requirements for renewal.