Keeping You Informed
AEE Divisions also help keep members, who work, operate, or are just interested in a specific area up-to-date on the latest news and developments. Division members receive complimentary subscriptions to AEE Journals or email newsletters related to that Division’s field of study.
Add a Division when joining AEE or when renewing your membership.
Alternative and Renewable Energy Development Institute
Keep informed of the state-of-the-art technological advances in solar, wind, biomass, and other green/renewable/alternative energy sources. Division Members receive a subscription to the Alternative Energy & Distributed Generation Journal (link). AEE Member Cost $30/year.
Cogeneration and Distributed Generation Institute
Stay informed of the cogeneration and distributed generation industries. Are you interested in independent power production, exempt wholesale generation, new technologies and applications, and regulatory, market and other power industry developments. Division members receive the Alternative Energy & Distributed. Generation Journal (link). AEE Member Cost $30/year.
Council on Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership
The Council on Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership (CWEEL) supports career development for women across the energy industry. This includes mentoring, networking, and scholarships for aspiring women to pursue technical education and careers in the energy and environmental fields. CWEEL is just one way AEE supports a greater diversity of experience, talent, and ideas across our industry. CWEEL is free to join for AEE members. Learn more about how you can support CWEEL and the benefits the division offers.
Environmental Engineers & Managers Institute
EEMI publishes the newsletter Environmental News three times per year. The newsletter focuses on the integrated approach to pollution prevention. Subjects of interest to members include emission credits, trading, monitoring and control, greenhouse gases, recycling, global climate change strategies and improving indoor air quality of buildings. The division also sponsors AEE events with environmental content. AEE Member Cost $30/year.
Facility Managers Institute
Division members receive a complimentary subscription to the Facility Management News e-newsletter. Published four times a year, the newsletter covers plant management, energy procurement, security, building performance, maintenance scheduling, equipment upgrades, multi-site portfolio management, budget planning, energy efficiency, communications technology, environmental compliance, and productivity. AEE Member Cost $30/year.
Energy Services Marketing Society
The ESMS aim is to keep it’s members up-to-date on industry news and information for energy services, power and natural gas marketing, performance contracting, and energy project financing. ESMS members receive the ESMS e-newsletter four times per year. AEE Member Cost $30/year.
Energy Managers Society
EMS brings together both energy engineers and non-engineers that have been recognized as experts or leaders in their field. Its mission is to assist these individuals to improve the practice of energy management. As an EMS Member you will receive the Energy Managers Digest e-newsletter four times per year. AEE Member Cost $30/year.