Who are Carbon Auditing Professionals?

  • Do you currently lead, plan, coordinate and manage green, clean or sustainability programs at your firm or organization?

  • Are you a consultant that specializes carbon reduction or GHG emissions programs for your clients and wants to certify your knowledge and experience?

  • Are you an energy professional, with technical, management and communication skills in green and sustainable building design, construction or management who wants to get recognized and rewarded for your experience and knowledge?

What Does a CAP Do?

Carbon auditing professionals apply their specialized knowledge to assist companies and organizations to reduce their carbon footprint and become “carbon-neutral” as possible. They understand the principles of the Paris climate agreement, Kyoto Protocol and other guidelines published by WRI, ISO, and WBCSD. For firms engaged in this area, CAPs can interpret current trends and legal requirements; conduct carbon audits and emission inventories; identify reduction opportunities; set up a GHG emissions management program, report carbon emissions in compliance with international standards and complete the emissions verification process. They are also able to structure financing and marketing to maximize project success.

Body of Knowledge

  • History, Terminology, Policy and Legislation
  • Carbon Audit
  • Emissions Reporting / Verification
  • Emissions Conversion
  • Energy Efficiency Solutions
  • Renewable Energy Sources and Green Power
  • Transportation and Fleet Management
  • Emissions Trading, Terminology, and Offsets
  • Recycling, Financing, and Marketing


Asia Pacific Rim

Hong Kong 
Carbon Auditing Professional (CAP) is recognized by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) as one of the pre-requisites in Route 1 to become a Certified Carbon Auditor.

Carbon Auditing Professional (CAP) is recognized by the Hong Kong Government as a Qualified Carbon Auditor for all the tenders issued by the Government.

Connect With CAP

Find a CAP in the Certified Professionals Directory, or see what they’re saying by visiting your local AEE Chapter or joining a LinkedIn group. Energy professionals continuously tell us that they stay ahead in the industry by getting involved in the community.

Already Certified?

Maintain Your Certification

An AEE certification can help define your status as an energy professional and help progress your career. Once complete, make sure you maintain your account and keep track of your certification requirements for renewal.