In The News
Kansas City Student Chapter Progress
The Board of the Kansas City Chapter of AEE, just started the AEE-KC Student Chapter with Students from Rockhurst University and University of Missouri-Kansas City. The SC started with a few kids interested in making the Earth more “green” and now, with the help of the SC Board, there are over 15 students in Club! Officially becoming a chapter in December of 2017, the SC has already had two (2) technical meetings and has 3 more planned for the year.
The AEE-KC Board has also sponsored a petition the SC is putting out to get support to raise student tuitions in order to raise the capital to put solar on the rooftops of the campus; results will not come in until next semester.
The AEE-KC Board is also in the process of raising $1,500 in local scholarship money to be split amongst three (3) recipients. We are also helping the students with resume & cover letter writing, interview techniques and practice, career planning and coaching, and getting the students plugged into employers in the chapter for Internships this Summer 2018.
In October 2017, the AEE-KC President put out a challenge to the VP of the Student Chapter to present at the monthly lunch meeting.
In February 2018, the VP spoke about the State of the U.S. Nuclear Industry. It was a well-attended (50) event, and all the business professionals were engaged and asking questions of the Junior Mechanical Engineer. It was something that he will certainly remember for a long time and helped him step out to be vulnerable and show how bright are our students. The Board has hosted pizza for the SC meetings and is planning a tour of a solar farm in April. The AEE-KC Board is excited not only to continue supporting the SC at Rockhurst/UMKC, but also, the new student chapters forming at Univ. of Missouri-Columbia and Kansas State.
We want these students to grow, learn, and be set up for success both professionally and personally at graduation!!!! And we believe we are on the path to achieving that success.
-Jerry Casey, Kansas City Chapter President-