في الأخبار

How to Become the Expert in M&V at Your Company

THESE ARE EXCITING TIMES IN THE MEASUREMENT & VERIFICATION FIELD Many commercial and industrial building projects are requiring the use of CMVP® professionals to determine the energy savings of energy conservations measures through the use of M&V. What the CMVP® Provides You The CMVP® designation demonstrates your level of experience and competence in understanding industry best…

Implementing 50001 CP

The Challenge of ISO 50001 A group of energy management experts developed the energy management standard ISO 50001 as a set of requirements that an organization seeks to claim that they are managing their energy following the ISO 50001 Standard, and they can demonstrate evidence of alignment with these rules. Unfortunately, while it might not…

Benefits & Advantages of Becoming a Certified Building Commissioning Firm (CBCF)

In the challenging world of building construction and management, ensuring a structure’s desired and optimal performance from the outset can mean the difference between a successful, sustainable and resilient facility and one fraught with costly deficiencies and inefficiencies. This is where building commissioning (BCx) process comes in to play a pivotal role. Firms dedicated to…

2024 Letter from the President

Dear AEE Community, As we welcome the new year of 2024, it marks a momentous occasion for me personally, as I have been entrusted with the role of President of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). I accept This honor and responsibility with dedication, hard work, and deep passion. Reflecting on 2023, we have much…

The Case for Industrial Energy Efficiency – Energy Efficiency Movement

The Energy Efficiency Movement has recently unveiled a significant report that underscores the critical role of energy efficiency in addressing climate goals and achieving a net-zero future by 2050. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), enhancing energy efficiency is paramount for the success of the Paris Agreement. The report highlights the need for a…

AEE’s Nordic Trade Mission: Bridging Global Energy Expertise and Sustainability Practices

The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) is well-known for its commitment to advancing the field of energy engineering, disseminating valuable information, and creating a cohesive community of energy professionals worldwide. In line with this vision, AEE recently concluded a highly successful trade mission to the Nordic countries, encompassing Iceland, Norway, and Finland. The mission focused…

Certifications Recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs

AEE certification programs now qualify under the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs education benefits to help Veterans, service members, and their qualified family members with needs like paying for industry recognized credentialing programs. CEM, CEA, CMVP, CBCP, and EEP certifications have been approved for direct reimbursement from the VA to the student and are listed…

World Energy Innovations takes the Energy Industry to New Heights

World Energy Innovations, LLC, (WEI) is at the forefront of transforming how we use and create energy, setting a high standard for the Association of Energy Engineers and the industry. In this article, we explore their journey, innovative solutions, commitment to sustainability, and contributions to the energy sector. Recently published in Health Facilities Magazine, WEI…

Raising the Professional Standards in the M&V Field in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA) is committed to promoting sustainable energy technologies and practices to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. One crucial way to achieve these goals is to develop the institutional capacity to measure and verify the performance of energy efficiency investments and the energy savings…

Certification News: USAID CEA Project in Mongolia

To promote resilience, economic growth, and human development in Mongolia through energy reform, the USAID funded Mongolia Energy Governance Activity (MEG) to strengthen the enabling environment for private investment and stimulate the market for clean and affordable energy.   The Mongolia Energy Governance Activity has a national focus on policy, regulatory, and institutional reforms and works…

45 Governments Rally Behind IEA’s Call to Double Global Energy Efficiency by 2030

The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) recently participated in the prestigious 8th annual Energy Efficiency conference organized by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Versailles, France. The invitation-only conference brought together government officials, industry leaders, and professional organizations like AEE to collaborate on achieving ambitious energy efficiency goals. One of the key takeaways from the…

80 Million in Funding Available for Small and Medium Manufacturers Increasing Energy Efficiency

The US Department of Energy recently announced its investment of up to $80 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure law to support small and medium-sized manufacturing firms (SMMs) in implementing recommendations from either the Industrial Assessment Centers or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018-2023 to improve energy efficiency to lower costs and…

AEE تشارك في COP27

ستحضر جمعية مهندسي الطاقة (AEE) الدورة السابعة والعشرين لمؤتمر الأطراف ، أو COP 27 ، الذي سيعقد في شرم الشيخ ، مصر ، في الفترة من 7 إلى 18 نوفمبر 2022 ، والذي يستضيفه مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة لتغير المناخ ( اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ). يجمع هذا الحدث الحاسم قادة العالم والأطراف المهتمة بينما يلفت الانتباه إلى الحاجة ...

40 عامًا من CEM

The Certification Energy Manager (CEM) Certification is the flagship program of AEE. CEM’s realize the value and benefits this certification provides, and many individuals, groups, and boards of professionals have made contributions to the development of the CEM over the years. Learn the history and how the program has changed in line with industry developments and is…

حفل الافتتاح AEE UofK Student Chapter - الخرطوم ، السودان

نظم فرع طلاب AEE UofK بجامعة الخرطوم اجتماعًا افتراضيًا يوم السبت 30 يناير 2021. افتتح مجلس الطلاب الاجتماع بتوجيه الشكر للمشاركين من AEE ؛ الدكتور فتوح الرجوم ، مساعد المدير لتطوير العضوية الدولية لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط ، وآلان عون ، المدير المساعد لتطوير العضوية لـ ...

تعلن AEE عن عودة كتالوج كتاب الطاقة الخاص بها

يسعد بيل كينت ، المدير التنفيذي لشركة AEE ، أن يعلن عن شراكة جديدة مع River Publishers. "بالعمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع River Publishers ، يسعدنا أن نقدم مرة أخرى مكتبة AEE للكتب المرجعية الفنية الاستثنائية لمرافقة برامج التدريب والشهادات ذات المستوى العالمي." أصبحت River Publishers الآن الناشر الرسمي لكتاب AEE ...

فرع AEE الجزائر ينضم إلى اجتماع المنظمات غير الحكومية الوطنية

شارك فرع AEE الجزائر في الاجتماع الوطني الذي عقد في أكتوبر 2020 في العاصمة الجزائرية لمناقشة المنظمات الدولية العاملة في الجزائر ، مثل نقابة مهندسي الطاقة. وشارك في هذا الاجتماع أعضاء مجلس إدارة AEE الجزائر ورئيسها. الجدير بالذكر أن الجزائر (43 مليون نسمة) كبيرة جدا في المساحة….