
A Landmark Achievement in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Pakistan

The 2023 AEE International Project of the Year was awarded to the Green Presidency of Pakistan. This project, approved by Pakistan’s President, Dr. Arif Alvi, aimed to reduce the carbon footprint of the Presidential Palace, also known as Aiwan-e-Sadr. The energy team, led by the Director of Projects and AEE member Shahid Shoukat, initiated the…

Announcing AEE’s 2023 International Award Winners

Through its International Awards Program, the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) shines light on the important work that is being done by individuals, organizations, agencies, and corporations. These awards identify those who exemplify the very best in their fields. The 2023 International Awards will be presented on Wednesday, October 27th at the International Awards Banquet, held…

祝贺 AEE 的 2022 年国际获奖者!

通过其国际奖项计划,能源工程师协会 (AEE) 展示了个人、组织、机构和公司正在完成的重要工作。这些奖项旨在表彰那些在各自领域中表现最好的人。 2022 年国际奖于 2022 年 9 月 21 日星期三颁发。年度能源工程师先生……

祝贺 2021 年章节表彰奖获得者!

祝贺 2021 年章节表彰奖获得者!分会奖由当地分会酌情颁发。有关更多信息,请联系您所在地区的分会。单击此处查看所有 AEE 章节。我们将举行现场仪式,以表彰在以下类别中被选为获奖者的国内和国际 AEE 分会。和我们一起庆祝他们……

AEE 为 2021 年引入 7 名新研究员

AEE 选择了 7 位新的 AEE 研究员,将于 2021 年入选。这些人不仅在能源行业做出了重大贡献,而且在 AEE 内都做出了持续的贡献。这些人都拥有超过 10 年的连续会员资格,并且还获得了名人堂称号、国际奖项或……

祝贺 2021 年学生分会表彰奖获得者!

祝贺 2021 年学生分会表彰奖获得者!分会奖由当地分会酌情颁发。有关更多信息,请联系您所在地区的分会。单击此处查看所有 AEE 章节。我们将举行现场仪式,以表彰在以下类别中被选为获奖者的国内和国际 AEE 分会。和我们一起庆祝他们……

祝贺 AEE 的 2021 年国际获奖者!

Through its International Awards Program, the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) shines light on the important work that is being done by individuals, organizations, agencies, and corporations. These awards identify those who exemplify the very best in their fields. The 2021 International Awards were presented on Wednesday, October 20, 2021. Energy Engineer of the Year Mr. Bali…

Barry Benator – 2021 年入选名人堂

Barry I. Benator, PE, CEM 是 BENATECH, INC. 的创始人兼总裁,该公司是一家为美国和国际客户提供服务的能源管理咨询公司。他拥有 40 多年为企业、机构和政府客户提供咨询和培训的经验。这种经验包括对数百座商业和工业建筑的能源审计,以及……