AEE 贸易代表团

AEE 贸易代表团支持 AEE 和我们的计划的持续发展,提供有利于与全球能源效率和可持续发展领导者建立有意义的合作伙伴关系的平台。


Our Trade Missions connect members from across the globe to promote cultural exchange, identify areas of significant interest, build capacity in the local region, create partnerships, and identify international business opportunities. Since 1991, the AEE staff, members, and industry representatives have traveled together on curated adventures around the World.


2023 | Nordic Region

2018 |西欧

2016 |古巴

2014 |东欧洲

2013 |澳大利亚和新西兰

2010 |埃及、科威特、迪拜和约旦

2008 |印度和尼泊尔

2006 |中国和东南亚

2004 |南美洲

2001 |南非

1995 |南美洲

1991 |东欧洲


2023 Nordic Trade Mission

To learn more about the intricacies, opportunities, and learnings from the AEE Trade Mission to the Nordics, please read the full report