

AEE 会员新闻和公告 AEE 基金会、奖学金、会员调查、奖项提名、会员福利和亮点。教育 在线、现场、点播和内部研讨会的继续教育和培训信息,包括特别优惠和促销。认证 认证认可和计划更新 时事通讯季度能源洞察(仅限会员)和参加 AEE 赞助的季度认证时事通讯......


Certification Renewal Credit Requirements have been updated as of January 1, 2024. Please see changes in red below. Overview Each certified professional is required to obtain Continuing Education Units (CEU) or Professional Development Hours (PDH) each renewal period.  A total of 10 renewal credits are required.  AEE does not maintain a record of your continuing education…


Investing In Our Future AEE is involved with assisting and developing the next generation of energy engineers, students and young professionals, that when working together, can drive change and make a difference in our future. Student Chapters As a student, you are able to join one of AEE’s many student chapters located on campuses worldwide….


让您了解最新信息 AEE 部门还有助于让在特定领域工作、运营或仅对特定领域感兴趣的成员了解最新的新闻和发展。部门成员可免费订阅与该部门研究领域相关的 AEE 期刊或电子邮件通讯。替代和可再生能源发展研究所热电联产和分布式发电......


会员资格 当您加入 AEE 时,您可以获得各种会员福利。您还可以访问重要的行业特定信息,让您充分了解情况,同时参与认可杰出专业成就的组织。认证 40 多年来,我们实施了能源认证计划,帮助了 30,000 多个……

关于 AEE

能源经理 自 1977 年以来,来自 105 个国家/地区的 28,000 多名专业人员信任能源工程师协会,以促进能源行业从业人员的利益并促进可持续发展的行动。我们是谁发现组织背后的人。了解更多我们所做的了解我们为会员所做的……