

Bill 自 2017 年 11 月起担任 AEE 执行董事,接替 AEE 创始人 Al Thumann。 Bill 从事能源管理行业 30 多年,在能源效率、自动化、建筑系统和行政领导方面拥有专业知识。在 AEE 工作的 14 年中,他领导了许多关键举措,并在之前担任董事总经理期间一直管理该组织的日常运营。

他目前的重点是向世界各地的发达国家和发展中国家宣传 AEE 的愿景和使命——减少能源使用和温室气体排放,并通过实施清洁能源解决方案提高生活质量和经济发展。

比尔就读于乔治亚大学,是一名 认证能源经理® (CEM®), 并在众多董事会和咨询小组任职。



Connie joined the AEE staff in 2004, assisting with Membership and Conference Registration. She later took on the role of Conference Registration Director and in 2023, she moved into the Accounting Assistant role where she handles all general accounting duties. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Georgia State University.



Jennifer 于 2005 年加入 AEE,担任认证总监,并于 2007 年担任财务总监。她负责会计、人力资源和数据库管理的各个方面。 Jennifer 拥有乔治亚州立大学的化学和会计学士学位。



Mary Elise Cox is a seasoned professional with a robust background in project and contract management, sales, business development, and strategic partnerships. As the Senior Director for Global Development at AEE, she brings over 17 years of experience in the energy efficiency industry. Mary Elise is a recognized leader who has held various positions at the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). Her key accomplishments include leading global growth and expansion, striving to fulfill the organization’s vision for a clean and sustainable future, building and maintaining relationships across cultures, demonstrating passion and commitment to making a positive difference. Mary Elise is dedicated, passionate, accomplished, and committed to making a positive impact in the world.



Jessa 于 2022 年加入 AEE,担任行政助理。 Jessa 最初来自佛罗里达州,于 2008 年搬到亚特兰大,并在市场营销和行政部门工作了 13 年以上。 Jessa 以提供支持和建立关系为荣。 Jessa 于 2020 年毕业于美国洲际大学,获得工商管理和市场营销学位。


Nina Palmieri

Nina joined AEE in 2024 as the Office Manager. Living in Metro Atlanta all her life, Nina graduated from Georgia State University in 2021 with a bachelor’s in film and media and a minor in journalism. With a background in  the film industry, photography, journalism, radio, and a passion for environmental sustainability, she plays a significant role in managing administrative projects at AEE.


Catelyn McGovern

Catelyn joined AEE in 2024 as the US Business Development Director. She has over 10 years of experience in the renewable energy industry, including a background in solar and storage EPC, federal contracting, energy savings performance contracting, and residential demand response and virtual power plants. She specializes in relationship building, contract administration, business development, and sales and marketing . Catelyn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Economics from Wofford College and an MBA from The Citadel, Military College of South Carolina.


Ahmed Alsammarraie

Ahmed joined AEE in 2024 as the Business Analyst & Database Manager. In his role, he is responsible for ensuring the performance, integrity, and security of the AMS and Certification System. With a strong focus on planning and implementation, he plays a vital part in the development and maintenance of testing protocols, workflow documentation, and process guidelines for the AEE AMS and Certification systems.


Martijn Prak

Martijn joined AEE in 2024 as the Training Development Program Manager. In his role, he is responsible for managing all AEE training programs, beginning at development, through implementation, and ongoing maintenance. Driven by his passion for addressing climate change, he brings with him several years of experience working in the renewable energy industry and managing training programs in the non-profit sector. Martijn is a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), and holds a Bachelor’s in Public Administration and Organization Science and a Master’s in Political Science.




米歇尔于 2008 年加入 AEE,曾担任会议发言人总监和数字通信总监,并于 2020 年担任执行管理员。她于 2022 年转任认可总监。米歇尔负责监督国际、国家和地区的 AEE 奖励计划级别,并管理 AEE 能源经理名人堂和官员提名和选举的计划。 Michelle 拥有乔治亚州立大学的社会学学士学位。


Lisbeth Paglialonga

Lisbeth 于 2022 年 2 月加入 AEE,是会员参与专家。作为会员参与专家,她正在努力支持学生分会,为他们开发资源以促进发展,并协助支持专业分会和奖项。她毕业于西乔治亚大学,获得美术学士学位,很高兴能为新的学生分会带来创意。



Ian 于 2023 年加入 AEE,担任会员参与专家。他负责制定和实施计划和服务,以增强现有企业会员资格并招募新会员。他毕业于肯尼索州立大学,获得组织和专业传播理学学士学位,辅修领导力研究。



Cheyenne 于 2018 年加入 AEE,担任会议发言人总监,并于 2022 年转任分会和会员总监。她负责与所有现有的 AEE 分会合作,并在全球范围内发展新分会。 Cheyenne 拥有阿拉巴马大学的酒店管理学士学位,主修会展管理。



Annie Sandlin

Annie joined AEE in 2023 as the International Administrator. She works with all members of the international team and strives for efficient and effective operations for a high-quality experience for all partners. She graduated from Kennesaw State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Management and a minor in Spanish.



Kate 于 2007 年加入 AEE,在会员和会议注册部门担任兼职帮助,2008 年她担任执行董事的执行助理,然后在 2014 年接任信息服务总监。她现在协助国际认证部门。她拥有新罕布什尔大学音乐表演学士学位和乔治亚州立大学音乐表演硕士学位。


Teniece Price-Williams

Teniece 于 2017 年 8 月加入 AEE 国际部门。她负责国际认证培训课程和 AEE 培训合作伙伴的所有培训和认证处理。 Teniece 负责处理与 AEE 培训合作伙伴的所有认证更新。



于 2022 年加入 AEE,担任国际项目总监。Samar 负责管理 AEE 国际活动的提案、合同和项目实施的各个方面。她是一名工程师,在工程和教育领域拥有丰富的经验,拥有超过 14 年的工程实践实践。她之前曾在迪拜英国大学担任其专业发展和考试中心的系主任,并管理 AEE 在阿联酋的培训和认证项目。她拥有室内设计学士学位、建筑环境可持续设计硕士学位和建筑与可持续建筑环境博士学位。她还持有 AEE 的 CEM、CEA 和 PCF 证书。




Priscila 于 2011 年加入 AEE。她负责全球认证更新,并担任 AEE 基金会的 AEE 奖学金主任。她拥有美世大学传播学学士学位、市场营销专业的工商管理硕士学位,以及佐治亚州立大学金融科技 | 区块链专业的研究生证书。她还获得了 PMP、气候领导力、可持续性研究认证。



Michelle 于 2009 年加入 AEE,担任行政助理,并于 2010 年夏天担任认证总监。她负责监督 CMVP®、EEP 和 PCF 计划。 Michelle 拥有克莱姆森大学食品科学和人类营养学学士学位。


Katy Meyer

Katy joined AEE in 2024 as the Accreditation Program Manager. In her role, she is responsible for project management to develop and launch newly accredited residential certification programs and manage additional accredited certification programs. She brings with her a decade of experience in content development and project management, along with 20 years in customer service. Her impressive background includes managing successful live and online educational courses, leading cross-functional teams, and developing adult educational materials. Katy’s ability to handle complex projects is evident in her work leading initiatives and guiding teams. She holds a Master of Business Administration from Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, IL.



在 2004 年加入 AEE 之前,Helen 于 1999 年在一家为 AEE 提供研讨会和贸易展览服务的公司工作,开始了她在能源行业的职业生涯。作为认证开发总监,她目前负责监督 ISO/IEC 17024 认证项目,并在认证流程中建立标准和一致性。她与认证委员会和技术委员会携手合作,审查、更新和确认认证机构的知识和考试是最新的并吸引全球观众。 Helen 拥有佐治亚州立大学酒店管理专业的工商管理学士学位。



Francine 在乔治亚州立大学完成市场营销学士学位后,于 2006 年加入 AEE,担任执行董事的执行助理。她于 2008 年担任认证总监。她负责以下认证项目:CEA、BEP、CBCP、EBCP、CDSM、CIEP、CGD、DGCP、CEP、CWEP、REP、REA、GBE、CSDP、CRM、CLEP ,CPQ,BESA。



Crystal 于 2008 年加入 AEE 工作人员,协助 CEM 认证部门。 2020 年 1 月,她担任 CEM 认证总监一职。她负责管理 CEM 认证计划。



Anne Krapf

Anne 于 2021 年加入 AEE,担任办公室经理。作为办公室经理,她负责处理一般查询、支持会员、监督办公室一般运作,并根据需要协助部门。安妮于 2022 年担任培训管理员一职,并期待帮助创造一个清洁和可持续的未来。


Cathy Mitchell

Cathy is a Florida native who currently lives in Grayson, Georgia.  She is the proud mother of two adult daughters and equally proud grandmother to eleven amazing grandchildren.  Cathy holds a Master of Arts Degree in Management from Webster University and a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Edward Waters University.

As a lifelong learner, she enjoys researching, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating learning content.  Cathy has a knack for connecting with learners through relevant and engaging material that supports blended learning for all audience types.  She brings over twenty-five years of experience in the Learning and development space with fifteen years of experience in leading training teams, facilitating leadership workshops, building departments, and helping employees tap into their highest potential.

Cathy’s passion for life is rooted in progressive learning — she has held positions as an educator for Duval County Public Schools; an Adjunct Professor, and several Leadership positions.  She is a Certified Life Coach and a Certified Gallup Strengths Coach – who believes that when we operate in our natural talents, we are most effective and happier in our careers.  Cathy is an advocate for Leadership Development and Relationship Building and uses her knowledge to strengthen the teams that she is responsible for.

Cathy has an array of hobbies including roller skating, gardening, baking, walking, and spending time with her family and close friends.


Ryan Ayala

Ryan joined AEE in 2024 and is the U.S. Public Training Coordinator. He was born and raised in San Diego, California and graduated from The University of Alabama in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in Advertising. Ryan handles the coordination of all U.S. CEM and non-certification training programs.


Emily Kimis

Emily joined AEE in 2024 as the US Private & Chapter Training Coordinator. She coordinates all private and chapter trainings from end to end and ensures each event runs smoothly. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a minor in Leadership Studies from the University of Central Florida. She also holds a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology. Her background spans across various fields of education, and she is very passionate about promoting accessible learning opportunities for all.




Lauren 于 2003 年加入 AEE 工作人员。作为 AEE 的会议策划人,Lauren 负责协调会议和贸易展览,包括确保视听设备、计算机、医疗服务、安全、摄影、活动服务和餐饮的投标和合同。她负责监督展览和会员宣传材料的设计、印刷和分发。也可以就节目赞助机会联系她。 Lauren 拥有乔治亚州立大学的会计学士学位。



Diane 于 2019 年加入 AEE,担任活动销售总监。她负责管理 AEE East、AEE West 和 AEE World 的参展商和赞助商。



卡梅伦于 2022 年 8 月加入 AEE,担任会议发言人主任。她负责制定会议计划并协调每个节目的演讲者。卡梅伦于 2022 年 5 月在沃福德学院获得环境研究文学学士学位。



Rachel serves as the Events Coordinator, where she oversees the registration process for all US AEE events as well as acts as a point of contact for exhibitors and sponsors. Assisting the Events Director, she helps with maintaining vendor relationships, keeping deadlines, and troubleshooting any on-site issues.
Rachel joined AEE in 2022 with an associate degree in veterinary technology from Oklahoma State University and 10+ years’ experience as a registered veterinary technician.


Paulina Cervantes

Paulina joined AEE in 2023 as the Marketing Specialist. In her role, she works as the department coordinator and is responsible for executing email marketing efforts. Paulina earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing with an Area of Emphasis in Digital Marketing from the University of Georgia in May of 2021.



安德烈亚 2023 年加入 AEE,担任营销总监。她负责推动和实施战略和活动以促进 AEE 的发展。 安德烈亚 在广告公司、大型跨国公司、州政府和协会行业等多元化领域拥有超过 20 年的营销和传播经验。双语英语 - 西班牙语, 安德烈亚 还会说流利的意大利语和葡萄牙语。



Laurie Beth Nix 于 2021 年加入 AEE,目前担任营销和传播经理,专注于通过社交媒体和数字营销推动 AEE 的品牌向前发展。 Laurie Beth 拥有中佐治亚州立大学跨学科研究的文学学士学位,主修新媒体和传播。
