

The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), founded in 1977, is a non-profit professional association of more than 17,000 members and over 32,000 certified professionals in more than 100 countries worldwide dedicated to serving members and other industry professionals to save energy, reduce GHGs, make buildings perform better, and help reach global goals for Net-Zero. 

AEE has been at the forefront of energy management and energy efficiency for over 40 years. Our certification programs are accredited, internationally accepted, and recognized by industry professionals and the communities they serve. AEE has a rich history of working with State Offices on preparing their workforces. 

Workforce Needs

Two key pieces of legislation, and the subsequent federal funding to support them, are projected to create new green jobs in the coming months and years. Key workforce development programs are needed to train and prepare the workforce for these opportunities. There are several key programs launched that align with AEE’s existing programs and areas of expertise.


Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)

  • Building Training and Assessment Centers Program
  • Career Skills Training Program
  • Energy Auditor Training Grant Program

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

  • Training for Residential Energy Contractors Program (TREC)


The creation of the new jobs being created by this important programs coupled with information obtained in AEE’s Market Trends Survey published in 2023, which indicated that in every region globally over 75% of respondents felt there is a shortage of energy efficiency professionals and nearly 40% indicated they will be retiring within the next 5-10 years, provides us with a clear vision that capacity building and workforce development is of critical importance.

Why Choose AEE?

AEE established the very first certification training program in 1981, since that time more than 100,000 professionals have benefited from AEE programs. AEE has gained global recognition for their certification training programs and is set apart by providing technical and practical programs that provide participants with tangible solutions and career altering perspectives.

  • AEE’s Certified Energy Auditor (CEA™) certification has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy as “Energy Skilled”
  • AEE 的 CEM 和 CEA 认证符合能源审核员的标准,并有资格在 ASHRAE 标准 211-2018 for Commercial Building Energy Audits.


AEE has Certified 3,000+ CEA's Worldwide


能源工程师协会 CEM 和 CEA 认证计划由 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board 基于国际标准 ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024。ANSI 标准 17024 被业界公认为人员认证认可的最高标准。

CEA是第一个被认可的项目 更好的建筑劳动力指南.美国能源部 (DOE) 与商业能源绩效行业合作制定了《更好的建筑劳动力指南》,通过认证高技能劳动力来加强不断增长的能源效率市场。

ASHRAE 标准 211
AEE 的 CEM 和 CEA 认证符合能源审核员的标准,并有资格在 ASHRAE 标准 211-2018 用于商业建筑能源审计.

CEA 是在 亚特兰大市商业建筑条例

CEA meets requirements for commissioning credentials for 巨石建筑性能条例(第 8071 号条例)

CEA 认可的 芝加哥市 符合芝加哥能源基准条例的可接受证书 

CEA 认可的 佛罗里达州奥兰多市 认可 CEM 是奥兰多市认可的合格基准。

CEA 是可接受的验证凭证 马里兰州蒙哥马利县的基准项目.

这 圣何塞市能源和水建筑绩效条例 要求圣何塞市拥有的面积为 15,000 平方英尺或以上的建筑物或面积为 20,000 平方英尺或以上的私人住宅和非住宅建筑提供年度能源和水资源基准报告。 AEE 的认证能源经理 (CEM)、认证能源审计师 (CEA)、认证建筑调试专家 (CBCP) 和认证现有建筑调试专家 (EBCP) 有资格根据条例执行这项工作。

CEA is an authorized qualification for the City of Seattle's 建筑调整计划

CEA 认可 康涅狄格州财产评估清洁能源 (C-PACE) 作为可接受的承包商资格

CEA 被公认为符合资格的审核员的合格团队成员标准 商业建筑能源审计和建筑调试立法.  CEA is an approved credential for auditing and commissioning under 地方法 87.

CEA 是所需的独立第三方审核员 (ITPR) 审核的可接受凭证之一 德克萨斯州佩斯管理局财产评估清洁能源 (PACE) 计划

环境质量激励计划农场能源倡议 能源审计 要求能源审计由 NRCS 认证的技术服务提供商完成,并且具备 CEM 或 CEA 资格之一。

推荐 AEE 认证 美国能源部能源审计指南 作为在建筑和建筑设备能效升级领域具有专业知识和经验的顾问和公司的资格要求 (RFQ) 要求。


伊索 CEA 在其建筑系统审核激励计划中被公认为合格认证。


CEA 是工程师必须具备的一项资格才能在能源工程师注册处注册

CEA 获得爱尔兰政府认可,符合爱尔兰法规 SI426 的行业资格要求,以执行欧盟能源效率指令 (2012/27/EU) 第 8 (4-6) 条。


英国环境署批准了国际认证能源管理师 (CEMI) 和国际认证能源审计师 (CEAI) 认证,符合英国节能机会计划 (ESOS) 实施第 8 (4-6) 条的要求 欧盟能源效率指令 (2012/27/EU).

西班牙能源工程师协会 CEM 和 CEA 认证计划获得了以下机构的认可 Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC) 基于国际标准 UNE-IN/ISO/IEC 17024。ENAC 是政府指定的机构,作为唯一的国家认证机构在西班牙开展业务,根据法规 (EU) No 765/2008 规范 认证 在欧洲。


这 RSB(迪拜政府,RSB for Electric & Water), 自 2015 年 9 月 2 日起,临时认证的新申请人除了需要 CEM 或 CEA 外,还需要 CMVP。

CEM、CEA 和 CMVP 认证现在是沙特阿拉伯王国能源效率公司的许可要求。 沙特能源效率中心 (SEEC).


南非电气工程师学会 (SAIEE) 已为参加 AEE 的国际 CEM、CEA、CMVP、CWEP 和 REP 计划的人员授予南非工程委员会 (ESCA) 持续专业发展 (CPD) 学分。

肯尼亚能源管理委员会,根据 2012 年能源法案,已根据附表 5(第 10 页)认可 AEE 的认证能源经理 (CEM) 作为在肯尼亚获得能源审计师执照的要求。

Certified Energy Auditor (CEA™)


  • 您是否评估和分析设施中的能源使用,识别节能机会,并提出可以减少或优化消耗的建议?
  • 您是一名希望验证您的经验和知识的能源审计师吗?
  • 您是专门从事建筑和建筑系统能效升级的顾问吗?
  • 您是否在政府大楼中进行审计和评估,并且必须遵守美国能源部的能源审计指南?

What Does a CEA™ Do?

能源审计员对大型建筑和工业设施进行能源效率评估。他们的审计涵盖建筑系统、占用率、运营、维护和规范合规性。审计师旨在为其客户提供详细的调查结果、风险缓解分析、实施计划和最终投资级别分析。许多审核员按照预定义的规范和标准工作,例如商业建筑能源审核的 ASHRAE 标准 211-2018。

Energy Efficiency Practitioner (EEP™)


  • 您是一名年轻或新能源专业人士,希望开始您的职业生涯吗?
  • 您是负责公司大楼运营和维护的能源技术人员,正在寻求工作认可或职业发展吗?
  • 您是一名建筑业主,希望了解如何在不深入了解能源工程的情况下使您的设施更加节能吗?

What Does an EEP™ Do?

能源效率从业者是从事设施和建筑管理、维护和运营的经理或技术人员。他们可以来自社区的任何部门,例如企业、政府、机构或工业。如果您在办公大楼、大容量住宅、医院、学校或大学、政府或市政大楼工作,成为认证能源效率从业者 (EEP™) 可能适合您。

Why the CEA™?

CEA是第一个被认可的项目 更好的建筑劳动力指南.美国能源部 (DOE) 与商业能源绩效行业合作制定了《更好的建筑劳动力指南》,通过认证高技能劳动力来加强不断增长的能源效率市场。

CEA is approved for Home Energy Audit by the Department of Energy in conjunction with IRS’s release of 25C tax credit qualification requirements for home energy audits, For more information visit: Energy Assessment Programs | Building Science Education.

CEA is recognized as a covered certification in the Bipartisan Infrastructure 账单, Energy Auditor Training Grant Program.


What Formats are Available?

In-Person Training Programs deliver a premium classroom training experience to every attendee.

  • Public: AEE offers public courses available for individual registration
  • Private: AEE can cater to clients to bring our expert instructors to your city or state for a private training

allow candidates to learn at their own pace. and help them acquire new skills, expand their knowledge, and stay relevant in a rapidly changing job market. AEE delivers select certifications on-demand, giving you flexibility to learn from industry experts and grow their career without taking time off.

Virtual Training Programs
allow attendees to participate in a virtual non-recorded, fully interactive, instructor-led training experience from the comfort of their own home or office.

Have Questions?

Contact us for support!

Senior Director of Global Development