
认证能源审计师 (CEA®) 知识体系更新

The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE®) will implement an updated Body of Knowledge (BoK) for the 认证能源审计师(CEA®) certification to reflect the essential knowledge and competencies for energy auditors globally. The CEA BoK will come into effect for the CEA examination administration in February 2021.

AEE maintains, updates, and validates its accredited exams by conducting a Job Task Analysis (JTA) every five years. A seventeen-member committee of professional energy auditing subject matter experts from around the world worked closely with the psychometric and testing services company, Authentic Testing Corporation, to conduct the evaluation. The committee identified the domains, tasks, knowledge, and skills essential to the performance of a CEA. The recommendations of the committee were then validated by a survey sent to CEA certified professionals. The survey examined the current state of the energy industry, which includes the responsibilities, knowledge and skills required to fulfill those responsibilities.

The updated CEA BoK is organized into twelve (12) knowledge areas, rather than the current ten domestically and eight internationally. Each area will focus on essential knowledge that applies across practice settings globally. The BoK is consistent with industry best practices and accreditation standards. These main knowledge areas include:

  1. 制定能源审计战略和计划
  2. 能源使用分析
  3. 数据收集与分析
  4. 经济分析
  5. 照明系统
  6. 供暖、通风和空调系统
  7. 家用热水系统
  8. 电机和驱动器及压缩空气系统
  9. 建筑围护结构
  10. BAS、PAS 和 EMCS
  11. 替代发电和存储
  12. 运输

美国 ANSI BoK 变化包括: 效用分析,可再生机会 名字是现在 能源使用分析可再生机会 它的一部分移动到一个名为的新域 替代发电和存储.  数据收集和经济分析 现在是单独的域。  通风系统 合并 暖通空调系统. 节约用水 被整合到 家用热水系统.  Three domains were added: 楼宇自动化系统、过程自动化系统和能源管理与控制系统 (BAS/PAS/EMCS);替代发电和存储;运输.来自多个域的子主题作为主题的重述或扩展移至这些新域。

国际和 ENAC BoK 变化包括: 能源审计和仪表 分布在前三个域中 制定能源审计战略和计划,能源使用分析, 和 Data Collection & Analysis.  Economic Analysis of Energy Conservation Measures; Financing Energy Projects; Performance Contracting; and Measurement and Verification 主要涵盖在 Economic Analysis domain.  Energy Fundamentals & Energy Accounting 涵盖在 能源使用分析. 建筑系统、照明、暖通空调、冷水机组领域 被整合到 照明系统、建筑围护结构、HVAC 系统和 楼宇自动化系统、过程自动化系统和能源管理与控制系统 (BAS/PAS/EMCS) 域。 控制、控制系统;楼宇自动化系统;和设施电气系统 被覆盖在 暖通空调系统BAS/PAS/EMCS 域。  Motors and Drives is covered in the Motors and Drives & Compressed Air Systems domain.  Boilers, Steam Systems, Compressed Air Systems, and Industrial Processes 被覆盖在 暖通空调系统电机、驱动器和压缩空气系统运营和维护 集成到所有技术领域。

如有问题,请联系 海伦·约翰逊,认证发展总监。

关于 AEE
Association of Energy Engineers (AEE®), 成立于 1977 年,是一个非营利性专业协会,在 100 多个国家拥有 18,000 多名会员。 AEE 的使命是“促进能源行业从业人员的科学和教育利益,促进可持续发展行动”。 AEE 提供全套信息推广计划,包括培训、会议、期刊、书籍和认证计划。 AEE 的 100 多个地方分会网络定期开会讨论地区问题。