In The News

Chapter News: Slovak University Hosts Indoor Climate of Buildings Conference

The Indoor Climate of Buildings Conference is held annually, while every third year, the conference is international. Doctoral students organize the ICB conference at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Department of Building Services, who are also members of AEE. Most speakers at the conference were also students, but this year, they added a plenary section and invited leading experts from practice and universities to speak. The conference examined thermal comfort, indoor air quality, ventilation, exposure, and other related environmental health concerns associated with building design, construction, retrofit and operation, and energy efficiency of buildings. It is a forum mainly for Ph.D. students and young researchers to give them a chance to gain new knowledge and exchange ideas and contacts for future collaboration with their other international fellows.

The topics of the conference covered the following areas: Indoor air quality and health, Indoor climate and comfort of buildings, Indoor built environment and evaluation, Energy efficiency and management of Buildings, Energy Performance of HVAC-R systems, Outdoor Environment, and Renewable Energy. Students from various universities in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, and Denmark hosted evening meetings with pleasant music and friendly conversations. Description of attached photo:
Indoor Climate of Buildings Conference 2022 – the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava – AEE Student Chapter members (from the left side – Alžbeta Danková, Michal Krajčík – president of AEE Slovak Chapter, Barbora Junasová, Dušan Petráš – Regional Vice President for Central and Eastern Europe, Anna Predajnianska – president of AEE Slovak Student Chapter, Martin Sokol, Lucia Hrnčárová, Valerii Kudriashov, Martina Mudrá, Viktória Állóová, Tomáš Strenk, Veronika Mučková)