Cote, Mathieu

Energy Professional Development

Award Year: | International

Recipient: Mathieu Côte

Mathieu Côte serves as Executive Director of the Canadian Institute for Energy Training (CIET), an organization that is that delivers energy management capability building across Canada and in many other parts of the world. Mathieu’s relentless pursuit of excellence in energy professional development, has established the Canadian Institute for Energy Training (CIET) as a recognized global leader in energy training, with close to 5,000 professionals having graduated AEE courses since 2012. CIET currently boast 9 staff and 34 active trainers across Canada, and consistently delivers training to more than 2,500 participants a year in both English and French. The core of CIET’s professional development efforts are the AEE Certification courses, which have brought in close to $4 million of course revenue for AEE. In 2022 to 2023 alone, CIET trained 431 professionals, placing them at the top of the AEE Training Partner “leaderboard”. CIET’s reach goes beyond AEE certification training, with the provision of many specific energy training modules that develop energy management capability in many regions across the world.

Mathieu has an enthusiastic and talented team which has allowed CIET to secure almost all major energy-training related government contracts in Canada over the past few years, which has resulted in Canada being positioned among the top countries in terms of CEMs per capita. Since 2012, training has also been delivered outside of Canada in 30 countries and 8 languages. By forging long-term partnerships with all major energy efficiency actors in Canada as well as internationally, Mathieu has been able to reinforce and secure the position, strength and reputation of AEE’s certification programs in multiple countries. His approach to business development has led to the creation of several unique partnerships, including partnerships with all Canadian AEE Chapters that include seed funding to charter Chapters, as well as support for hosting regional training and local events. Mathieu previously received the AEE 2023 Regional Award for Professional Development.