In The News

2021 April Member Webinar | Tracy Phillips

Cracking the Small/Medium Building Market with C-PACE

by Tracy Phillips, CEM, CDSM, CMVP, Director at SRS and Colorado C-PACE

Thursday, April 8, 2021 
 2:00 – 3:00 PM (EDT)

President Biden’s “Build Back Better” Plan, which is designed to build a modern, sustainable infrastructure and an equitable clean energy future, calls for “retrofitting four million buildings over four years.” This is a tall order! One that can only be achieved if we look to include the historically difficult-to-reach small and medium building (SMB) market.

The Colorado C-PACE (commercial property assessed clean energy) program has been working to crack the SMB market since its inception in 2016. The SMB market and rural communities are fraught with challenges such as property value, project underwriting, resource investment constraints, outreach, and lack of service provider skills that target this market sector.

Colorado C-PACE, which enables owners of eligible commercial and industrial buildings to finance up to 100% of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation eligible improvements long-term, is developing approaches, tools and resources to address the SMB market in its inclusive approach to building retrofits, which can serve as an important piece in the four million buildings puzzle, and a model for other programs across the country.


Tracy Phillips is the Director of the Colorado C-PACE Program, and is a Certified Energy Manager, Certified Demand Side Management Professional, Certified Measurement and Verification Professional, and holds a Master’s Degree in Physics. His 24 years of experience includes energy audits, recommissioning, measurement and verification, master planning, sustainable design assistance, and third-party technical reviews. He is currently serving as the Chair of the IPMVP Committee and is the former Technical Director of GBCI’s Investor Confidence Project.